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Systems & Infrastructure ​

The Systems & Infrastructure category focuses on Training Platforms, Immersive Learning, and Assessment. There is a growing emphasis on personalized learning and skills recognition, aligning with trends toward credentialing and learner autonomy. This streamlined approach reflects the sector’s priorities in enhancing learning delivery and validation.

Training Platforms & Systems ​

Online platforms for delivering and managing training programs and content, including learning management systems.

Simulated & Immersive Learning ​

Technologies and platforms providing workforce training through simulated and immersive technologies to create realistic learning experiences.

Authoring Tools ​

Services, platforms, or software used to create and develop training content and delivery.

Assessment & Evaluation ​

Platforms and solutions for measuring the effectiveness of training programs and individual learning outcomes.

Badging & Credentials ​

Technology that provides digital badges or certificates awarded upon completion of training programs to recognize and validate skills & knowledge.