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Post-Secondary Access ​

The Post-Secondary Access subsector addresses the critical touchpoints in the journey to higher education, emphasizing both support for students in their search and selection processes, as well as institutional efforts to widen access. This taxonomy highlights the growing emphasis on recruitment, admissions testing, financial solutions and alternative pathways, which are essential for expanding educational access amid rising costs and evolving student needs.

College Search & Guidance ​

Organizations that provide services and solutions to help prospective students find and apply to colleges and universities.

Recruitment & Admissions ​

Services and solutions used by colleges to attract students to apply and enroll to their institutions both domestically and internationally.

Education Financing Solutions ​

Organizations that provide financial solutions to support learners in covering the costs of post-secondary education, including aid, scholarships and loans.

Higher Education Pathways ​

Educational offerings designed to provide students with appropriate levels of academic knowledge and language skills to gain admittance to higher education.

Language Learning & Testing ​

Organizations that offer language learning resources and content, courses and assessments enable access to post secondary study.

Admissions Testing ​

Solutions that develop and administer standardized tests for post secondary admissions.